百宝玩家 发表于 2013-6-6 16:33

美国Germ Guardian GG-1000 UV消毒杀菌器空气净化器


国内现货2台 包中通快递

注意本产品采购自美国亚马逊网站 主机110v
这款Germ Guardian GG-1000 紫外线空气净化消毒器,采用UV-C波段紫外线,波长100~275nm,UV-C又称为短波灭菌紫外线。可有效杀灭空气中的各种细菌及微生物,并可消除异味,本消毒器内置静音风扇,将所消毒的房间内的空气进行抽动过滤,通过UV-C紫外线灭菌灯的照射,可杀死99.9%的病毒及致病细菌,利用UV-C波段紫外线穿透能力弱的特性,灯体外部护罩可有效防止C波段紫外线对人体的伤害。对有宠物的家庭可以有效杀死宠物细菌,特别是有孩子家庭(对婴幼儿安全),在一些季节无法开窗通风时,室内空气污浊,孩子极易生病,有了这款紫外线空气净化消毒器,可有效防止流感等病菌对孩子的危害,还你清新安全的空气。消毒器体积小巧,可直接插在插座上使用,非常方便实用。

[*]Kills 99.9% of targeted airborne germs
[*]Helps stop the spread of airborne germs and kills odor
[*]Great for small spaces, like bathroom or bedroom
[*]The first product to effectively utilize UV-C Technology to kill targeted airborne germs in the home or office Product Description
Germ Guardian UV-C PLUG-IN Air Sanitizer is the first product to effectively utilize UV-C technology to kill targeted airborne germs in the home or office. A whisper-quiet, yet powerful fan pulls flu-viruses into the germ-killing chamber. The germ-laden air is bombarded with ultraviolet-C light and 99.9% of viruses, bateria and mold spores are destroyed. Once complete the sanitizer will then circulate clean air back into the room. This unit is great for stopping the spread of airborne germs and kills odors. Great for small spaces, like bathrooms and bedrooms.
Product Details

[*]Product Dimensions: 3.5 x 3.5 x 7.5 inches
[*]Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces
[*]UPC: 895916001124
[*]Item model number: GG-1000

我爱肉夹馍 发表于 2013-6-6 17:21


鹿鸣 发表于 2013-6-6 17:40


电筒爱好者 发表于 2013-6-6 17:58


西夷归汉 发表于 2013-6-6 17:59


whseen 发表于 2013-6-6 19:37


百宝玩家 发表于 2013-6-7 13:42

弄个100w的变压 就可以了

mpmpm 发表于 2013-6-26 22:03

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查看完整版本: 美国Germ Guardian GG-1000 UV消毒杀菌器空气净化器