想請教一下DARPA是什麼, 不是問筒子啊, 是問DARPA是什麼機構, 謝謝 有熟識米國軍方的朋友嗎? 有沒有朋友能幫忙翻譯一下, 謝謝i think they released more than 500. we probably had at least 50 in my company alone. other companies had them and that's just one battalion. then you've got other military on here that have one of each of the three. when guys were given the def 2 with the wider lens, some either traded it for something else or gave it away to other soldiers because it wouldn't fit their rifle rail system. haven't see the def 3 though. i probably could have scored about five of the def 2's because so many people didn't want them because of their size. i didn't want them either. hindsight is 20/20, huh? i can tell you that the def 2 is no brighter than the def 1. looks like it would be but that was the reason i chose the def 1. it was clearly brighter. 不知道呢 無人乘坐飛行工具 DARPA=《DAR=大+PA=怕》=大而可怕的机构。 念住叫公司搞支good哥版u2 大毒~剧毒~{:1_268:} DARPA-Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,美国国防高级研究规划局,是美国国防部的研究和开发机构。美国很多军转民用的产品和项目都是源自其研究。互联网Internet就是其中著名一例。 http://image.shoudian.org/attachments/month_1102/11021001143370a825f219d136.jpg.thumb.jpg
中間那把很 "讚" 的 ! {:1_222:}{:1_222:}{:1_222:}{:1_268:} 很彪悍 好棒! 毒物{:1_222:} 10# hung3510012
中間那把很 "讚" 的就是江湖傳聞筒友最愛士兵不愛的DARPA DEF-2了 {:1_217:} {:1_222:} 大杀器{:1_268:} 這種多色燈最喜歡了!{:1_222:} DEF 跟 PKEF 的確很像, 你能看得出嗎 C眼