本帖最后由 cldcc 于 2011-7-18 00:51 编辑木有了,出完了。多谢各位兄弟。 成都帮顶...47 mini aa等我考虑下要不要... 47 mini aa具体参数是? 赠品是亮点啊,哈哈。论坛里貌似还没有人送过此类计生用品啊{:1_217:} 47第一眼楞是么看出来,以为是V1呢. 本帖最后由 cldcc 于 2011-6-24 14:12 编辑
47 mini aa具体参数是?
jkljkl86 发表于 2011-6-24 13:50 http://www.shoudian.org/images/common/back.gif
要的话就给我打电话,我给你送货上门,我在人民公园 Quark MiNi AA, R5 Edition
The Quark Mini is the perfect every-day-carry (EDC) pocket flashlight. It is ultra compact and has a simple, easy-to-use interface (the same great interface used in the Preon 1 flashlight). Like the regular Quarks, the Mini uses the latest in LED technology, has ample knurling for a sure grip, and is at a price point affordable for everyone.
Quark MiNi AA: Basic Specifications
Max Output: 90 Out-the-front (OTF) lumens
Material: Type-III Hard-anodized Aircraft-grade Aluminum
Lens: Optical-grade glass lens with anti-reflective coating on both sides
Reflector: Light orange-peel textured
Water resistance: IPX-8
Battery: One AA (1.5V max) - do not use lithium-ion or other batteries that exceed 1.5V
Seven Output Modes:
Low: 2.7 OTF lumens, 60 hours
Medium: 25 OTF lumens, 8 hours
High: 90 OTF lumens, 1.3 hours
Special (hidden) modes:
Strobe 4 hours
SOS 12 hours
Beacon (Hi) 20 hours
Beacon (Lo) 100 hours
Length: 3.0 inches
Diameter: 0.70 inches
Weight: 0.67 ounces (w/o battery)
高亮效率不太高啊... 这赠品~~~~~
我自己看着都想笑 哈哈哈哈哈 实在是太逗了 本帖最后由 cldcc 于 2011-6-24 14:16 编辑
Quark MiNi AA, R5 Edition
The Quark Mini is the perfect every-day-carry (EDC) pocket flashlight. It is ultra compact and has a simple, easy-to-use interface (the same great ...
jkljkl86 发表于 2011-6-24 14:08 http://www.shoudian.org/images/common/back.gif
哥们啊,老外的筒子,稳定第一啊,而且是aa筒子,并且我这只是S2的。。。 请教lz,狼眼能用普通26.5么? 考虑好了,不要啦,继续帮你顶~~~{:1_257:} 请教lz,狼眼能用普通26.5么?
muscel 发表于 2011-6-24 14:15 http://www.shoudian.org/images/common/back.gif
回玛索兄,不能用普通26.5,此为个人diy产品,较为粗糙,请看图 请教lz,狼眼能用普通26.5么?
muscel 发表于 2011-6-24 14:15 http://www.shoudian.org/images/common/back.gif
能用灯泡灯头,但不能用常见的LED灯头/. 我要试纸!!!!!
xueyi1121 发表于 2011-6-24 14:24 http://www.shoudian.org/images/common/back.gif还是赠品有吸引力啊! 47光色如何,绿不绿,蓝不蓝?
xzz354 发表于 2011-6-24 18:07 http://www.shoudian.org/images/common/back.gif
这个狼眼带了一个led的灯杯 当然也可以用led了 这个狼眼的电路仓和光杯怎么这么眼熟....