http://www.cpfmarketplace.com/mp/showthread.php?276154-Super-Thrower-BTU-Shocker-3xCREE-XM-L-U2-3x18650-Super-Power-Flashlight Specs:◎3* Cree XM-L LED (U2) with a lifespan of 50,000 hours
◎Battery: 3 x 18650
◎204 mm (length) x 52 mm(body width) x106 mm(head diameter)
◎1200-gram weight (excluding batteries)
◎4 levels of brightness: Turbo (3.8A*3)>High(2.2A*3)>Med(0.8A*3)>Lo(0.05A*3)
◎Brigh tness:Turbo(3000lumens)>High(2000lumens)>Med(600lu mens)>Lo(80lumens)
◎Digital Current Regulation
◎Capable of standing up securely on a flat surface to serve as a candle
◎Tail cap click Switch
◎Made of durable aircraft-grade aluminum
◎ Super deep Aluminum Alloy Reflector;Shotrange up to 800meters
◎Premium Type III hard-anodized anti-abrasive finish
◎Toughened ultra-clear glass lens with anti-reflective coating
◎With mode memory Notice: Turbo mode will step down to High mode progressively after constant running for 120 seconds
头真够大的,这次是山和隧道里的情侣倒霉了{:1_303:} TK75? 关注了{:1_293:} 神马型号,能长时间高亮不? 看这个外形散热不怎么样 没兴趣,爱小直,c8算是我最大的一只了。。。 劲......我喜欢大支野........{:1_292:} 这个太大了吧 新手学习。 好像是国产的是吧? 国产仿TK70。 就一棒槌啊 阴文{:1_292:} 看了图片, 感觉是国外筒友用TK70的头部DIY18650的筒子. 绝对是国产货! 继续关注。 ◎4 levels of brightness: Turbo (3.8A*3)>High(2.2A*3)>Med(0.8A*3)>Lo(0.05A*3)
有没有搞错? 不会燒吗?