JJYYsurefire 发表于 2013-12-3 12:09

弱弱的问一下 UB3T可不可以使用神火原厂的充电电池?

想给找个稳定可靠便宜的口粮 感谢大家解答{:1_300:}

aaalhj3108 发表于 2013-12-3 12:15


la453075 发表于 2013-12-3 12:38

本帖最后由 la453075 于 2013-12-3 12:53 编辑

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M3LT-S CombatLight®超高雙輸出 LED 與閃光燈
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價格: $ 420.00




[*]http://cdn.surefire.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/105x65/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/s/f/sf12bb.png SF12-BB框 12 穩賺不賠 123A 鋰電池 + 更多的資訊
正常價格:22.50 元特別的價格:19.13 元
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六個 123A 鋰電池再加上下面的燈程式集之一: P60、 P60L、 P61、 P90、 P91、 R30、 R60、 MN01、 MN02、 MN03、 MA02。
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四個 123A 鋰電池再加上之後燈程式集之一: MN01、 MN02、 MN03、 MA02。
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您正在查看:M3LT-S CombatLight®

* 必要欄位

輸出 / 運行時 — — 白色的光
高800.0流明 / 1.7 小時 *
低70.0流明 / 9.5 小時
戰術運行庫 *1.7小時
重量 w/電池10.9盎司
電池3123A (包含在內)
* 運行時直到低於 50 流明輸出

大直徑 Turbohead、 總內部反射 (TIR) 鏡頭和超低的高輸出 LED 發射器一起在 M3LT 產生強大的、 重點突出的梁適合聚光燈/探照燈的應用 — — 然而,光是少於 9 英寸長。M3LT-S 包括一個高輸出閃光燈模式針對特殊戰術應用程式或信號的目的。閃光燈是按下迅速三倍的磁控開關啟動的。

高性能 LED 是幾乎免疫失敗,因為沒有燈絲燒壞或中斷,並提供更遠的運行時每組電池相比白熾燈的類似流明輸出時。它是與極端耐久性的 Mil Spec 硬質陽極氧化完成高強度航空航太鋁車身的標配。此外設有適合手電筒筒/手*技術人體工學 CombatGrip 配置並提供安全舉行寒冷、 潮濕、 或手套的雙手。

M3LT 特色戰術開關 — — 按鈕開關那 (1) 位於上尾蓋進行快速、 不看的訪問和使用的手電筒筒/手*技術,和 (2) 始終啟動完全蕭條時的最大光輸出。正如所指出,閃光燈是按下磁控開關迅速三次啟動。

[*]監管,以最大化輸出和運行時的幾乎堅不可摧 4 模具 LED 發射器
[*]兩個輸出水準 — — 高為最大的光,低為擴展執行時間
[*]Turbohead TIR 透鏡產生緊、 位移梁
[*]鍍膜、 鋼化視窗抵抗衝擊和熱衝擊,最大限度地光傳輸
[*]CombatGrip 為在各種條件下的安全舉行的
[*]高強度航空鋁合金車身,車身 Mil Spec 硬質陽極氧化,極端堅固耐用
[*]兩階段戰術磁控開關 — — 在任何級別上為短暫上低,記者進一步為高,麻花按常量上
[*]防風雨 — — O 型圈和密封墊圈
[*]包括高能 123A 電池充電用 10 年的貨架壽命


M3LT-S 模型: strobing 燈暴露可能會導致頭暈、 定向力障礙及噁心。極少數的人遭受光敏性癲癇大約。 00025%的人口-和可能會遇到緝獲量或 strobing 燈所引發的停電。訪問 www.epilepsyfoundation.org 的這種罕見的癲癇有關的詳細資訊。在使用本產品之前,任何有症狀連結到此條件應請教醫生。
相關的資訊 比較手電筒筒規格 比較聽力保護規範 電池的安全性 運費率 30 天退款滿意保證 假冒產品的報告








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M3LT-S CombatLight®Ultra-High Dual-Output LED With Strobe
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Price: $420.00


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Six 123A lithium batteries plus one of the following lamp assemblies: P60, P60L, P61, P90, P91, R30, R60, MN01, MN02, MN03, MA02.
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Four 123A lithium batteries plus one of following lamp assemblies: MN01, MN02, MN03, MA02 .
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Output / Runtime -- White Light
High800.0lumens / 1.7 hours*
Low70.0lumens / 9.5 hours
Tactical Runtime*1.7hours
Bezel Diameter2.50inches
Weight w/Batteries10.9ounces
* Runtime until output drops below 50 lumens

25% OFF during After-Thanksgiving Sale
A large-diameter Turbohead, a Total Internal Reflection (TIR) lens, and an ultra high-output LED emitter come together in the M3LT to produce a powerful, focused beam suitable for spotlight/searchlight applications—yet the light is less than 9 inches long. The M3LT-S includes a high-output strobe mode for special tactical applications or for signaling purposes. The strobe is activated by pressing the tailcap switch rapidly three times.

The high-performance LED is virtually immune to failure since there is no filament to burn out or break, and it provides a far longer runtime per set of batteries when compared to incandescent lights of similar lumen output. It comes standard with a high-strength aerospace aluminum body with a Mil-Spec hard-anodized finish for extreme durability. Also features an ergonomic CombatGrip configuration suited for flashlight/handgun techniques and provides a secure hold with cold, wet, or gloved hands.

The M3LT features tactical switching— a pushbutton switch that (1) is located on the tailcap for fast, no-look access and for use with flashlight/handgun techniques, and (2) always activates maximum light output when fully depressed. As noted, the strobe is activated by pressing the tailcap switch rapidly three times.
[*]Virtually indestructible 4-die LED emitter regulated to maximize output and runtime
[*]Two output levels—high for maximum light, low for extended runtime
[*]Turbohead TIR lens produces tight, extended-reach beam
[*]High-output strobe feature, activated by pressing the tailcap switch rapidly three times
[*]Coated, tempered window resists impact and thermal shock, maximizes light transmission
[*]CombatGrip for secure hold in all conditions
[*]High-strength aerospace aluminum body, Mil-Spec hard-anodized for extreme durability
[*]Two-stage tactical tailcap switch—press for momentary-on low, press further for high, twist for constant-on at either level
[*]Weatherproof—O-ring and gasket sealed
[*]Includes high-energy 123A batteries with 10-year shelf life

Strobe Warning
M3LT-S model: Exposure to strobing lights may cause dizziness, disorientation, and nausea. A very small percentage of people suffer from photosensitive epilepsy-approximately .00025% of the population-and may experience seizures or blackouts triggered by strobing lights. Visit www.epilepsyfoundation.org for more information about this rare form of epilepsy. Anyone who has had symptoms linked to this condition should consult a doctor before using this product.
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la453075 发表于 2013-12-3 12:44

本帖最后由 la453075 于 2013-12-3 12:48 编辑

沒有問題滴! 如SF官方網站所示   UB3T和M3LT和可以使用神火原厂的充电电池!{:1_292:} SureFirehttp://cdn.surefire.com/skin/frontend/enterprise/surefire_new/images/logo.png
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UB3T Invictus®Ultra-High Variable-Output LED
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Price: $550.00


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[*]http://cdn.surefire.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/105x65/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/s/f/sf12bb.png SF12-BB   Box of 12 SureFire 123A Lithium Batteries + More Info
Regular Price: $22.50 Special Price: $19.13
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Six 123A lithium batteries plus one of the following lamp assemblies: P60, P60L, P61, P90, P91, R30, R60, MN01, MN02, MN03, MA02.
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Write a review ... click here.Excellent Emergency Light
I bought this light because of the various light output levels and big lens. I use it for heavy lighting projects where I need range and power. I have not been disappointed!
Reviewed by J. Kahn (Posted on 10/30/13) An intelligently designed quality product!
I drooled over this light since it was first announced and finally got a deal on one at my dealer's. What a light! No, it doesn't have a great runtime on max power - but back it down a couple of clicks - and press the button only when you need instant max power and you'll enjoy a better battery life. I, too, like click style pb's - but, on the Invictus, the momentary contact makes sense.
Reviewed by Stainz (Posted on 10/24/13) UB3T Invictus
I like everything about this light with the exception of the price and the switch. I think it would be an improvement to use the push momentary/ lock switch instead of the twist to lock that it comes with. Other than that it is a great light.
Reviewed by Mike (Posted on 10/13/13) Quality product
this is the third unit I have purchased this year. Excellent depth of field view at night. very good for sentry. Live in the country with open area.
Reviewed by TOM (Posted on 10/11/13) Almost the best tactical light ever made
Everything SureFire advertises about this torch is true, including, unfortunately, the fact about 1.7 hours of run-time. I pull this baby out at the beginning of a shift and everyone else has flashlight envy, including the perps. I'm particularly impressed by the very wide beam, and the uniformity of light (no shadows) across the entire beam. But that last 0.7 hours of run-time is well into the decay portion of the output curve; no way can it produce 800 lumens in that last 0.7 hours (my un-verified personal observation, only). And there's a rapid fall-off-to-darkness at the end of battery life that could be tactically suicidal. So just like with ammo management, battery management becomes a serious tactical consideration with this light. Have a back-up! (another SureFire light, of course). But Invictus is still the best lighting tool available when what you need is lots of light!
Reviewed by Boise Dave (Posted on 10/11/13) Great light
This is a truly great tactical light by SUREFIRE. As a retired police officer, I have seen them all. Too bad this model did not exist in my era.
Reviewed by Bob Touran (Posted on 10/11/13) Hurricane Sandy
In 2012 when Hurricane Sandy hit many of us were out of power for days. At night it was impossible to see anything. I came home one of those nights and If I didn't have my Surefire Invictus I would have never seen the two coyotes stalking me down my driveway. Not only did I see them but my Surefire scared them off and spared me a possible attack.

That was not the first time my Invictus has saved me and I am sure it will not be the last. Thank you for making in my opinion the best flashlight I have ever owned. You have a lifelong customer in me.
Reviewed by Chris Barry (Posted on 10/10/13)


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You're reviewing: UB3T Invictus®

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Output / Runtime -- White Light
High800.0lumens / 1.7 hours*
Low2.0lumens / 84.0 hours
Tactical Runtime*1.7hours
Bezel Diameter2.50inches
Weight w/Batteries12ounces
* Runtime (at highest setting for multiple-output lights) until output drops below 50 lumens

The UB3T Invictus® is an ultra high-output LED illumination tool with selectable light levels, strobe and SOS modes, and an ergonomic CombatGrip body ideal for flashlight/handgun techniques and for a secure hold with wet, cold, or gloved hands. The Invictus puts out a tightly focused 800-lumen beam of brilliant white light that's suitable for spotlight/searchlight applications such as sweeping a mountainside in a search-and-rescue operation, locating a take-out spot for your boat in pitch darkness, or providing suspect-blinding illumination for a SWAT entry team.

The high-efficiency LED emitter, virtually immune to failure since there's no filament to burn out or break, provides a far longer runtime per set of batteries when compared to incandescent lights of similar lumen output.

The UB3T's selector ring has eleven settings—eight levels of light, from 2 to 800 lumens; a strobe mode; an SOS beacon; and an OFF setting for extra protection against accidental activation during transport, storage, or stealth operations. Its tactically correct tailcap switch is instantly locatable and easy to operate with your thumb while gripping the light. Press the switch for momentary-on light at the selected output setting, press further, at any light output setting, and get all 800 lumens—this is our MaxBlast™ tailcap feature. Twist for constant-on light at selected output setting, twist further for max output..

The U3T's rugged body is machined from high-strength aerospace aluminum with a tough Mil-Spec hard anodized finish Finally, the UB3T also features a fuel gauge that tells you when you need a new set of batteries or need to select a lower light-output level.

[*]Virtually indestructible LED emitter regulated to maximize output and runtime
[*]Eight light-output levels—high for maximum light, low for extended runtime
[*]Strobe for tactical applications
[*]SOS beacon for emergency or signaling
[*]Selector ring provides simple control of output level
[*]Large Turbohead TIR lens produces tight, extended-reach beam
[*]High-strength aerospace aluminum body, Mil-Spec hard-anodized for extreme durability
[*]Coated, tempered window resists impact and thermal shock, maximizes light transmission
[*]CombatGrip for secure hold in all conditions
[*]Tactical Max-Blast™ tailcap switch—press for momentary-on at selected light-output setting, press further for maximum light output, twist for constant-on at selected setting, twist fully for maximum output
[*]Fuel gauge indicates battery charge level
[*]Weatherproof O-ring and gasket sealed
[*]Includes high-energy 123A batteries with 10-year shelf life

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[*]*口制動器/閃光燈 Hiders
[*]皮卡汀尼導軌 Forends

[*]裝載的 X 系列指示燈。


[*]目錄 / 摺頁冊

[*]選擇長* WeaponLight





UB3T 永不言敗®超高的變數輸出 LED
http://cdn.surefire.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/350x250/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/U/B/UB3T_45L.png http://cdn.surefire.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/350x250/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/U/B/UB3T_45L.png

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價格: $ 550.00




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我買了這個光由於不同的光輸出水準和大鏡片。我需要射程和威力的地方,我使用它為重型照明專案。我沒有失望 !審查由 J.卡恩 (發表于 13/10/30)智慧化設計的品質的產品 !
我在這光 drooled 因為它是第一次宣佈,終於達成一個在我的轉銷商。何光 !不,它不會有一個很大的運行時最大的力量-但回它下來點擊兩下和按下按鈕,只有當您需要即時的最大動力,你會享受更好的電池壽命。一、 太,像按一下樣式 pb-,但是上永不言敗,瞬息接觸有意義。經審查的 Stainz (發表于 13/10/24)UB3T 永不言敗
我喜歡這光除了價格和交換器的所有事情。我想它會使用短暫推送 / 鎖定開關而不是扭鎖的改進它來用。除此之外,它有了大光。經審查的麥克 (發表于 13/10/13)優質的產品
這是已購買了今年的第三個單位。優秀深度的夜間視野。很好的哨兵。生活在開放地區的國家。經審查的湯姆 (發表于 13/10/11)幾乎最佳的戰術光做過
SureFire 公佈關於這火炬的一切是真實的包括,不幸的,這一事實約 1.7 小時的執行時間。我掏出了一個轉變的開頭這個孩子和別人有手電筒筒羡慕,包括犯罪者。我印象特別深刻很寬梁、 和光 (無陰影) 的統一性跨整個梁。但這最後一個 0.7 小時的執行時間是到腐爛部分的輸出曲線 ;它沒有辦法在這過去的 0.7 小時 (我未核實個人觀察,只有) 產生 800 流明。並有一個快速下降-關閉-到-黑暗在結束了可能是戰術上自殺的電池壽命。所以就像與彈藥管理、 電池管理成為嚴重的戰術考慮與此光。有一個備份 !(光、 課程的另一種 SureFire)。但永不言敗仍是最好的照明工具,當你需要的是大量的光 !經審查的博伊西戴夫 (發表于 13/10/11)大光
這是真正偉大的 SUREFIRE 戰術燈。作為退休的警務人員,我見過他們所有。可惜這種模型並不存在在我的時代。審查由鮑勃 · 途安 (發表于 13/10/11)颶風桑迪
在 2012 年颶風桑迪命中時我們很多人沒有能量天。在晚上就不可能什麼都看。我來的那些夜晚回家之一,要不是我穩賺不賠的永不言敗將見過兩個野狼跟蹤我下來我的車道。不只我見過但我的 Surefire 把他們嚇跑了,饒恕我可能的攻擊。

這不是我永不言敗已救了我的第一次,肯定也不會是最後。謝謝你讓我認為我擁有的最好的手電筒筒。你對我有終身客戶。審查由克裡斯 · 巴里 (發表于 13/10/10)

編寫您自己的評論SureFire 讚賞所有產品評論,但不是每個審查可以過帳。點評應該是明確的、 簡明的、 建設性的和事實。不猥褻、 侮辱性的語言,或貶低其他評論或檢閱者。
您正在查看:UB3T 永不言敗®



* 必要欄位

輸出 / 運行時 — — 白色的光
高800.0流明 / 1.7 小時 *
低2.0流明 / 84.0 小時
戰術運行庫 *1.7小時
重量 w/電池12盎司
電池3123A (包含在內)
* 運行時 (在多輸出燈的最高設置) 直到輸出下降到低於 50 流明

UB3T 永不言敗®是一種超與可選的光線水準、 頻閃和 SOS 模式和人體工學的 CombatGrip 身體高輸出 LED 照明工具理想的手電筒筒/手*技術和為安全舉行以濕、 寒冷或手套的手。永不言敗熄滅緊緊地 800 流明光束的適合如席捲山腰搜索和救援行動中,定位一個外賣的斑點,為你的船在漆黑,或提供條目特警疑犯致盲照明射燈/探照燈應用的明亮的白色光。

高效率 LED 發射器,幾乎免疫失敗因為燈絲沒有燒掉或打破,提供更遠的運行時每組電池相比類似流明輸出的白熾燈燈時。

UB3T 選擇器圈有 11 個設置 — — 八個級別的光,從 2 到 800 流明 ;閃光燈模式 ;SOS 燈塔 ;並提供額外的保護,防止在運輸、 存儲或秘密行動期間意外啟動關閉設置。其戰術正確磁控開關將立即定位和扣人心弦光同時用拇指操作方便。短暫上光在所選的輸出設置為按下開關、 按進一步,在任何的光輸出設置和獲取所有 800 流明 — — 這是我們 MaxBlast ™ 尾蓋功能。扭曲為常量上光在所選的輸出設置,麻花進一步為最大輸出...

U3T 崎嶇身體最後機械加工從高強度航空鋁合金強硬 Mil Spec 硬陽極氧化處理,UB3T 還具有功能是告訴你當你需要一套新的電池或需要選擇一個較低的光輸出級別的燃油表。
[*]監管,以最大化輸出和運行時的幾乎堅不可摧 LED 發射器
[*]八個光輸出級別 — — 高為最大的光,低為擴展執行時間
[*]SOS 燈塔為緊急情況或信號
[*]大型 Turbohead TIR 透鏡產生緊、 位移梁
[*]高強度航空鋁合金車身,車身 Mil Spec 硬質陽極氧化,極端堅固耐用
[*]鍍膜、 鋼化視窗抵抗衝擊和熱衝擊,最大限度地光傳輸
[*]CombatGrip 為在各種條件下的安全舉行的
[*]戰術最大高爐 ™ 磁控開關 — — 按下的瞬間-上在所選的光輸出設置,按進一步為最大的光輸出,扭曲為常數-關於在選定的設置,完全扭曲的最大輸出
[*]防風雨 o 形圈和密封墊圈
[*]包括高能 123A 電池充電用 10 年的貨架壽命

相關的資訊比較手電筒筒規格 電池的安全性 運費率 30 天退款滿意保證 假冒產品的報告








[*]政策 / 法規遵從性|
© 2013 SureFire, LLC. All rights reserved.

手电照过的国度 发表于 2013-12-3 18:42


la453075 发表于 2013-12-3 18:46

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手电照过的国度 发表于 2013-12-3 18:42 http://www.shoudian.org/static/image/common/back.gif
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查看完整版本: 弱弱的问一下 UB3T可不可以使用神火原厂的充电电池?