[译]Handheld Sunbeam 手持日斑
发表者:Gregory Mone 发表于 01.29.2008 at 12:27 pm 0条评论
Ralf Ottow站在他的浴室前,面对着又一个清晨,同时他注意到眼前的太阳光斑。他的皮肤已经让他自制的手电筒照得难受——他没有涂抹防晒霜。
45岁的荷兰光学工程师从他8岁的时候就开始制作自己的手电筒,而这个他最近的作品,3800万烛光,the Maxablaster,更像是个恒星的缩影。起初,Ottow卸掉一个巨强的零售手电筒的配件,换上了水银弧光灯泡(不知道这样是否准确),这样就能利用气体空腔内相邻的电子产生超热的离子来造光。这样的结果就是更亮,更聚焦的光斑,同时也产生了更多的紫外线(来自阳光,早期测试的产物(这个我不明白是什么意思:Q ))。因此,他在添加了个特别设计的外套,一个平整小玻璃,用来阻止紫外线。
电力由45节电池提供,the Maxablaster 能在4英里之外呈现一个聚光点,并就在那么远照亮一个屋子。但Ottow从来不用这个手电筒照他的邻居。“遛狗时不能把它当火把,”他说,“它有可能会烧了你的狗。”
The H2Whoa Credo:DIY可能是危险的。
拍摄者:Paul Wootton
表现:很多手电筒的亮度很高,但Maxablaster具有更好的特性,因为使用了水银电弧灯,并有很好的聚焦特征。Ottow说有一次他照到了9英里之外的渡轮(严重怀疑中,9英里能不能看到,但也不排除人家带的有夜视功能的带测距的望远镜:L )
A hacked-together flashlight that can shine for miles
By Gregory Mone Posted 01.29.2008 at 12:27 pm 0 Comments
Ralf Ottow was standing in front of his bathroom mirror one morning when he noticed that his forehead was sunburned. He hadn’t been out tanning—his homemade flashlight had fried his skin.
The 45-year-old Dutch optics engineer has been building his own lights since he was eight, but his recent 38-million-candlepower creation, the Maxablaster, is more like a miniature star. To start, Ottow stripped out the innards of a powerful commercial flashlight and switched in a mercury arc bulb, which generates light by creating an ultra-hot plasma between two closely spaced electrodes inside the gas-filled central chamber of the lamp. That results in a brighter, more focused beam but also kicks out more ultraviolet light (hence the sunburn, a product of early testing). So he added a specially coated reflector and designed, ground, and coated a new glass window that would trap UV rays while still pumping out light.
Powered by a pack of 54 batteries, the Maxablaster can put a bright spot of light on a cloud four miles high and illuminate a house from just as far. But Ottow doesn’t use it to spook his neighbors. “It’s not a torch you’d walk your dog with,” he says. “It would probably cook your dog.”
The H2Whoa Credo: DIY can be dangerous.
We review all our projects before publishing them, but ultimately your safety is your responsibility. Always take proper safety precautions, and follow all laws and regulations.
How the Maxblaster Works
This hacked-together flashlight can shine for miles. See how insidehttp://www.popsci.com/files/imagecache/photogallery_image/files/articles/insidemaxblaster.jpg
Inside the Maxblaster
Photo by Paul Wootton
Time: 6 months | Cost: $1,800
PERFORMANCE: Some flashlights pump out more light, but the Maxablaster has a much greater reach because the mercury arc lamp creates a tightly focused beam. Ottow says he once illuminated a ferry boat some nine miles away.
POWER: The bulb is typically used for lab equipment and is designed to run off an outlet, so Ottow had the difficult task of packing together 54 off-the-shelf nickel-metal-hydride batteries. To regulate the current, he added a ballast.
SAFETY: Ottow installed a strong glass window in case the pressure shatters the bulb and gave it an extra coating to block harmful UV rays. He also added a mechanism so the light needs a key to operate.
[ 本帖最后由 gdsgds 于 2008-3-14 23:28 编辑 ] :L tainiule 手提灯么 大部分人兴趣不是很大 :lol :lol 哈哈體積有點大:L 不過應該很亮:loveliness: 手提灯里,这个数一数二了,厉害:lol 最重要的没有说,用什么型号的HID管子,功率,光通量之类
看样子像是短弧HID,发光效率可能比较低 :L --------电池很多 水银弧光灯泡是不是又叫高压汞灯? 原帖由 toud 于 2008-2-4 16:00 发表 http://www.shoudian.org/images/common/back.gif
同问 适合支在越野车上爬山用 原帖由 上班好累 于 2008-2-7 23:44 发表 http://www.shoudian.org/images/common/back.gif
装车上……有人不小心从前面穿过怎么办 楼主用在线翻译机翻的吧 :L
第一句就翻得匪夷所思 这个是自制的?
这个机加工可是相当不错了啊 感觉体积和哈士奇差不多 老外的手工
Orz 改成激光吧,这样威力更猛呀! 要是上200WHID不知道会是什么效果 :L ................