weiweida 发表于 2016-4-18 08:59


来自深圳夜光科技有限公司(潜水手电筒工厂)的Brinyte夜光潜水手电的一大品质保证是采用照明行业最前端的核心LED技术。该系列产品坚持使用包括飞利浦等全球知名照明企业都青睐的美国原装进口CREE芯片,这是目前全球最优质、最昂贵的LED芯片,不仅能保证照明亮度和节能效率,而且寿命长达5万小时以上。像其他成功的科技公司一样,Brinyte产品设计以“用户体验”为圭臬,专业技术保证潜水手电在水下180米处仍可正常工作。此外,经过军工三级阳极耐磨氧化处理的手电外壳更能抵抗海水腐蚀。手电尾部锁定结构可以防止误操作导致手电进水。但为延长使用寿命,夜光Brinyte手电筒日常使用过程中需要注意合理护理。u注意事项:1)所有潜水电筒的连接处(除开关部位)在出货前都会密封,用户请不要擅自打开;2)为了避免进水的可能,我们建议潜水前就打开电筒(开关一定拧紧);3)避免水下多次拧动;4)手电长时间不用,需将电池取出,否则可能因电池漏液或者爆炸造成手电损害。Note:1)   All of the connections(except the switch) are sealedbefore shipment, PLEASE don’t disassemble;2)   Avoiding the possibility of the dive light leakunderwater, we suggest to turn on the light before diving. 3)   Don’t twist the switch many times underwater4)   Please take the batteries out of the light if you don’tuse it for long time, or the light may be damaged by the battery leakage ordetonation. u手电保养:1)每次潜水后请及时用淡水浸泡电筒;2)每次使用之后开关部分建议擦润滑油;3)请勿将电筒放在沙地上,以防细沙进入开关和螺纹缝隙;4)请经常检查O圈,如有损害请及时更换,以维持手电的防水性能;5)请经常清洁手电的导电接触面以保证手电的正常工作。Flashlight maintenance:1)Please immerse the dive flashlight in the fresh water for few minutesafter diving and clean the water after immersing;2)Please put lubricant on the switch threads after diving3)Please don’t drop or place your dive flashlight in sand, in case the sandgo into the switch and threads4)Please inspect the O-rings often, change a new one once there is anydamage.5)Please clean the conductive connections often to ensure the flashlightwork normally. u手电常见问题自我检测:当手电出现异常闪烁或者无法工作的时候,以用以下方法来自我检测:1)   电池电量不足---需要更换电池;2)   螺纹或者PCB板的导电接触面被弄脏---请用酒精清理接触面如果上述方法无效,请联系经销商并按照售后服务条款接受保修。FAQ and Detection:When the flashlight flash unusually or can’t turn on, itmight be the reasons below1)   The battery voltage is too low-----please replace new batteries2)   The threads or conductive connections parts are dirty----please clean themwith alcohol.Please contact the dealers for warranty if theflashlights still don’t work with the above methods. u友情提示:本手电亮度很高,请勿照射肉眼或者直视光源,以免视力损伤,特别是儿童。Friendly tips:Please DO NOT shine people naked eyes or look at the lightdirectly with this device, in case damage the eyesight, especially forchildren.
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查看完整版本: 夜光Brinyte(潜水手电筒工厂)专业强光水下手电筒的护理...