深圳光中道电子 发表于 2016-12-22 19:32

Analysis of the flashlight battery

Led flashlight is generally used 18650 lithium battery has become the mainstream, and the market explosion flashlight battery possession of the number of fake, generally divided into several categories:
1 false capacity:
The 18650 China battery technology in the 2200 volume, and many vendors in order to attract consumers, the battery capacity up to 3000 or 3200 false capacity, deceive consumers, reap more benefits.
2 refurbished battery:
Refurbished battery from abroad, disassemble the battery, then refurbished by some illegal channels, a false capacity, the tired battery is very dangerous, the consumer is carry on a timed explosives in the side, please open the eyes of consumers consumption.
3 cottage battery:
These two words I believe we are familiar with the copycat, lithium battery is a lithium metal or alloy for lithium battery cathode materials and the use of non water electrolyte solution, the chemical properties of lithium metal is very lively, making the lithium metal processing, storage, use, environmental requirements are very high. Cottage battery makers may completely ignore these requirements, do not have the possibility of dangerous at any time.
Consumers in the purchase of LED flashlight at the same time, pay attention to the above situation. To the regular flashlight manufacturers purchase strong protection.

mfyflash 发表于 2016-12-22 23:20


但以理 发表于 2016-12-23 10:35

mfyflash 发表于 2016-12-22 23:20
还发英文,第一句话那么大的语法错误看不出来?还是电脑翻译的。搞什么英文?有什么产品拿出来让坛友过过目 ...

事實上,這文章放在我們論壇上,作用不大,這些基本知識,大部份筒友都知。選購電池也多是sanyo , samsung , lg等等,難道還會購這些虛標山寨電池麼?而且基本上品牌手電都有保護,山貨也有,只有很便宜的山貨才有隱患

yama_ghost 发表于 2016-12-24 10:37

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