zzz 发表于 2004-11-20 14:42

<P>http://www.lampesdepoche.com/bd-zenix.jpg</P><P>zenix<FONT color=#003399 size=2> : <FONT color=#000000>1W LED + 5mm LEDx2</FONT></FONT></P><P><FONT size=2>             AAAx3</FONT></P><P><FONT size=2></FONT> </P>

KinK 发表于 2004-11-20 23:16


cowboy 发表于 2004-11-21 01:13

<P><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=1>The Zenix has been upgraded with IQ technology that increases its efficiency. New intelligence-integrated circuitry includes constant illumination, mode memory, a battery-power meter and a tiny locator light. The Zenix IQ still utilizes a “lensed” HyperBright LED that is flanked on each side by a SuperBright LED—a switch allows the user to toggle between the SuperBright LEDs for proximity lighting and the lensed HyperBright LED for clear, far-reaching light. Now using 2 AA batteries, the Zenix IQ is an excellent, lightweight choice in lamps for climbing at night or for predawn approaches. </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=1>Weights: Without Batteries: 93 g (3.3 oz)
With Batteries: 128 g (4.5 oz)</FONT></P><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-20 17:21:34编辑过]

cowboy 发表于 2004-11-21 01:18

1W LED $us39</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-20 17:19:25编辑过]

cowboy 发表于 2004-11-21 01:24


<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=370 border=0>

<TD class=blk-lnk vAlign=top width=6></TD>
<TD class=blk-txt-sm width=358>Four SuperBright LEDs and 1 xenon bulb; multiple brightness options</TD></TR>
<TD width=6><IMG src="http://www.ems.com/media/images/myaccount/blank.gif"></TD>
<TD class=blk-lnk vAlign=top width=6>• </TD>
<TD class=blk-txt-sm width=358>Monitor light is green when battery is at full power, yellow at 50%, and red at 10% power</TD></TR>
<TD width=6><IMG src="http://www.ems.com/media/images/myaccount/blank.gif"></TD>
<TD class=blk-lnk vAlign=top width=6>• </TD>
<TD class=blk-txt-sm width=358>At extreme low battery power, the LEDs automatically switch to low-intensity mode to conserve energy</TD></TR>
<TD width=6><IMG src="http://www.ems.com/media/images/myaccount/blank.gif"></TD>
<TD class=blk-lnk vAlign=top width=6>• </TD>
<TD class=blk-txt-sm width=358>Xenon bulb effective up to 150 meters</TD></TR>
<TD width=6><IMG src="http://www.ems.com/media/images/myaccount/blank.gif"></TD>
<TD class=blk-lnk vAlign=top width=6>• </TD>
<TD class=blk-txt-sm width=358>Battery life of up to 160 hours in LED mode (14 hours in xenon mode)</TD></TR>
<TD width=6><IMG src="http://www.ems.com/media/images/myaccount/blank.gif"></TD>
<TD class=blk-lnk vAlign=top width=6>• </TD>
<TD class=blk-txt-sm width=358>9.2 ounces with 4 AA batteries (included)</TD></TR></TABLE>

cowboy 发表于 2004-11-21 01:39

<!--StartFragment --> Performance &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
Boost: (65m range) 20 second before reverting to previous setting
High: (45m range) 70h
Medium: (35m range) 90h
Low: (20m range) 170h
Powered by 3 x AAA/MN2400 batteries (included)

Weight without batteries: 99g
Weight with batteries: 129g

cowboy 发表于 2004-11-21 01:40

<!--StartFragment --> <A><B>Petzl Myolite 3</B></A>
(Reference #E32P)
The Myolite 3 is a lighter weight version of the standard Myo 3. Weight has been reduced by the removal of the top strap and using three batteries instead of four. It features a focusable beam and has a tilting head.

Performance &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
Main Xenon-Halogen: (76m range) 3h30
Optional Standard bulb: (25m range) 8h30
3LED: (13m range) 18h to 50%, 120h to 0%
Powered by 3 x AA/MN1500 batteries (included)

The Myolite 3 is supplied with the Xenon-Halogen bulb fitted and has a standard bulb as a spare housed in a small compartment on the head cradle.

Weight without batteries: 110g
Weight with batteries: 180g

robyn 发表于 2004-11-21 06:06

<P> 问<FONT color=#000066><B>一只大黄蜂一个小问题:</B></FONT></P><P><b><FONT color=#000066>我用的头灯也是</FONT></b>VER TEC,现在出现一个怪问题,我那天四节火车牌碱性电池用完了,就用四节GP1200五号镍氢电池放进去,然后亮了十五分钟不到就不亮了,我以为是灯泡烧了,换了一个GP3.6V的灯泡,又是亮了十五分钟不到就又不亮了.最后测了一下,两个灯泡都没有烧.是不是这个头灯(包括TEC40)不能用1.2V镍氢电池只能用1.5V的碱性电池?另外,我的GP电池可是刚充满电的.请两个蜜蜂兄回答,多谢.</P>

一只大黄蜂 发表于 2004-11-21 06:11

<P>我不是蜜蜂,所以没有两个蜜蜂。</P><P>我的TEC40和VOR TEC都是用1。2V的电池,完全没有问题。不清楚你的问题出在哪里?</P><P>请做以下检查:</P><P>1,当灯泡不亮时,量度电池的电压,看是否电池已经放电完。</P><P>2。当灯泡不亮时,更换电池是否又亮了?</P><P>3,检查各个接触点看看有无接触问题。</P><P>我能想到就这些了</P>

一只小蜜蜂 发表于 2004-11-21 06:22

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>robyn</I>在2004-11-20 22:06:55的发言:</B>

<P>问<FONT color=#000066><B>一只大黄蜂一个小问题:</B></FONT></P>
<P><B><FONT color=#000066>我用的头灯也是</FONT></B>VER TEC,现在出现一个怪问题,我那天四节火车牌碱性电池用完了,就用四节GP1200五号镍氢电池放进去,然后亮了十五分钟不到就不亮了,我以为是灯泡烧了,换了一个GP3.6V的灯泡,又是亮了十五分钟不到就又不亮了.最后测了一下,两个灯泡都没有烧.是不是这个头灯(包括TEC40)不能用1.2V镍氢电池只能用1.5V的碱性电池?另外,我的GP电池可是刚充满电的.请两个蜜蜂兄回答,多谢.</P></DIV>


一只大黄蜂 发表于 2004-11-21 19:27

<P>忽然发现自己有VOR TEC后就不太需要新头灯了。因为有狼眼6T尾盖可以做营灯,解决了一直想要双光源头灯的问题。呵呵。</P><P>真是一生何求啊。大家继续讨论,我也继续参合。</P>

铁之星 发表于 2004-11-22 02:20

<P>我把头灯分为“屋里用的”和“野营用的”,因为我在做机房工程和维护时空出双手很重要。现在有一个AURORA,很轻便,但亮度一般,想换成EOS(就是24楼贴的那个),还有一点,如果没带帽子,最好别用“T”字型带的头灯,同事曾说我象“头戴女用内裤的变态”。</P><P>野营还是白炽灯穿透性好,VER TEC确实不错,正在考虑是否找个<A><B>Petzl Myolite 3</B></A>。</P>

一只大黄蜂 发表于 2004-11-22 02:34

<P>如果你需要LED的1W,便宜就用SYS的,好点也可以考虑SANFO的POLICE G1,他说G1是和STREAMLIGHT ARGO一样而且是同厂的。呵呵。</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-21 19:01:17编辑过]

稻草 发表于 2004-11-22 05:19


一只大黄蜂 发表于 2004-11-22 05:30

<P>稻草啊,你看好的那个PETZL灯头太大,有不太亮,我建议还是再考虑考虑。</P><P>其实有VOR TEC基本上能应付大多数环境了,你就算去雪山也不是极端气候的季节去,不用特别准备头灯的。</P>

坦克 发表于 2004-11-22 16:36


一只大黄蜂 发表于 2004-11-23 01:40

<P>稻草兄:</P><P>那个VRO TEC的光面灯杯效果如何?那个袋子质料好吗?我买的是便宜货,没有配件:(</P><P>现在想再买一个,你给说说。</P>

稻草 发表于 2004-11-23 08:28

VRO TEC的光面灯杯因为意外,至今没到手,不敢多加评论。至于袋子,质量不错的,用的是比较厚的抓绒,好像是为了在寒冷地区携带头灯用的,一起配的还有一颗4.8V 0.2A的灯珠,好像是氪气的,用来延长使用时间。

一只大黄蜂 发表于 2004-11-23 19:29

<P>我已经放弃了ARGO了,现在2个目标,一是多买一个VOR TEC,另外就是买个DUO回来看怎么改用大功率的灯泡.</P>

Elumin 发表于 2004-11-23 19:44

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>cowboy</I>在2004-11-20 17:39:15的发言:</B>
<img src="attachments/dvbbs/2004-11/2004112017396136.jpg" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt=\'Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out\';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor=\'hand\'; this.alt=\'Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out\';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(\'attachments/dvbbs/2004-11/2004112017396136.jpg\');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" />
<!--StartFragment -->Performance &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
Boost: (65m range) 20 second before reverting to previous setting
High: (45m range) 70h
Medium: (35m range) 90h
Low: (20m range) 170h
Powered by 3 x AAA/MN2400 batteries (included)

Weight without batteries: 99g
Weight with batteries: 129g </DIV>

这个有体积优势啊! 是否适合呢?是LED的吧。知道的DX请说说!
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