<P>FEATURES DESCRIPTION· 96% Efficient Synchronous Boost Converter The TPS6103x devices provide a power supply
With 1000-mA Output Current From 1.8-V solution for products powered by either a one-cell
Input Li-Ion or Li-polymer, or a two to three-cell alkaline,
NiCd or NiMH battery. The converter generates a · Device Quiescent Current: 20-µA (Typ)
stable output voltage that is either adjusted by an · Input Voltage Range: 1.8-V to 5.5-V external resistor divider or fixed internally on the chip.
· Fixed and Adjustable Output Voltage Options It provides high efficient power conversion and is
Up to 5.5-V capable of delivering output currents up to 1 A at 5 V
at a supply voltage down to 1.8 V. The implemented · Power Save Mode for Improved Efficiency at
boost converter is based on a fixed frequency, Low Output Power
pulse-width- modulation (PWM) controller using a
· Low Battery Comparator synchronous rectifier to obtain maximum efficiency.
· Low EMI-Converter (Integrated Antiringing At low load currents the converter enters Power Save
mode to maintain a high efficiency over a wide load Switch)
current range. The Power Save mode can be dis- · Load Disconnect During Shutdown
abled, forcing the converter to operate at a fixed
· Over-Temperature Protection switching frequency. It can also operate synchronized
· Available in a Small 4 mm x 4 mm QFN-16 or to an external clock signal that is applied to the in a TSSOP-16 Package</P>
入 3.6(锂电池) 出 5V 1A(500mA也行)
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-22 16:42:30编辑过]