ManChow 发表于 2011-4-24 09:17

ANSI/NEMA FL 1-2009 (手电基本性能标准)

ANSI/NEMA FL 1-2009 Flashlight Basic Performance Standard

ANSI - 美国国家标准学会(American National Standards Institute)
NEMA - 美国电气制造商协会(National Electrical Manufacturers Association)

先来看看这个由上述两个学会,联同14家手电筒或者是照明工具(特指携带用照明工具)的生产商,于2009年制定的 - ANSI/NEMA FL 1-2009 手电基本性能标准 - 的内容全文。我会把当中的重点,翻译成中文,然后供大家讨论的。


Definitions 定义
1. Beam Distance 光束射程
2. Peak Beam Intensity 峰值光束强度
3. Run Time 续航时间
4. Light Output 光输出
5. Impact Resistance 耐冲击性
6. Enclosure Protection Against Water Penetration Ratings 密封/防水等级


ManChow 发表于 2011-4-24 09:18

本帖最后由 ManChow 于 2011-4-24 13:05 编辑


PDF文档下载链接:ANSI/NEMA FL 1-2009 (手电基本性能标准)

ManChow 发表于 2011-4-24 09:19

本帖最后由 ManChow 于 2011-4-25 10:21 编辑


This Standards Publication covers basic performance of hand-held/portable flashlights, spotlights, and headlamps providing directional lighting.



1.2.1 Beam Distance 光束距离 / 射程

Beam distance is defined as the distance from the device at which the light beam is 0.25 lux (0.25 lux is approximately the equivalent of the light emitted from the full moon “on a clear night in an open field”).

光束距离 / 射程被定义为:从测试样本,到该光束终止照度为0.25勒克斯(Lux)



1.2.2 Peak Beam Intensity 峰值光束强度

Peak Beam Intensity is the maximum luminous intensity typically along the central axis of a cone of light.

The value is reported in candela and does not change with distance.

峰值光束强度是最大发光强度( luminous )的光,通常是指沿一光锥的中心轴线。


1.2.3 Run Time 运行时间 / 续航

Run Time is defined as the duration of time from the initial light output value—defined as 30 seconds after the point the device is first turned on—using fresh batteries, until the light output reaches 10% of the initial value.


1.2.4 Light Output 光输出

Light Output is the total luminous flux. It is the total quantity of emitted overall light energy as measured by integrating the entire angular output of the portable light source. Light output in this standard is expressed in units of lumens.

光输出是指总光通量(total luminous flux)。它是整体发射光能的总量,是用结合整个便携式(指手电或者是测试物,如头灯)光源角度输出来测量的。


1.2.5 Impact Resistance 耐冲击性

Impact resistance is the degree to which a device resists damage from dropping on a solid surface.


1.2.6 Enclosure Protection Against Water Penetration Ratings 外壳保护 - 防止渗水评级

Based on the ANSI/IEC 60529 standard, the following enclosure ratings for the devices covered by this standard have been defined:

根据 'ANSI/IEC 60529' 标准,下列对设备的防水评级,是受此标准所涵盖的并被定义的

Water Resistant—IPX4—Water splashed against the device from any direction shall have no harmful effects.

防水 - IPX4级 - 装置对来自任何方向的水泼,应无有害影响

Water Proof—IPX7—Ingress of water in quantities causing harmful effects shall not be possible when the enclosure is temporarily immersed in water under standardized conditions of pressure and time.

防水 - IPX7级 - 在一个一定标准量化的压力和时间下,设备的外壳暂时浸泡在水中,在有一定数量的进水时,不容许对设备造成有害影响。

Submersible—IPX8—Ingress of water in quantities causing harmful effects shall not be possible when the enclosure is continuously immersed in water under conditions which shall be stated by the manufacturer, but which are more severe than for IPX7.

潜水 - IPX8级 - 根据制造商说明的条件(肯定是比IPX7级更为严峻的环境),设备的外壳持续地浸泡在水中,在有一定数量的进水时,不容许对设备造成有害影响。

1.2.7 Hand-Held/Portable 手持式/便携

A hand-held/portable device is small enough to be operated when held in one or both hands (like flashlights, headlamps, spotlights, and bicycle lights) and light enough to be easily carried from place to place.


1.2.8 Spectroradiometer 光谱仪

A spectroradiometer is an instrument capable of dividing light into its constituent wavelengths. For the intent of this standard, a spectroradiometer is used for measuring the total spectral flux and luminous flux of the device under test in the visible spectral range (380 to 790nm).

光谱仪,是一种能够分化光的组成波长的仪器。就本标准的意图,光谱仪是用来测量光谱的总流量和设备的光通量,在可见光的光谱范围(380 to 790nm)下测试。

1.2.9 Light Measuring Device 光测量装置

A light measuring device is a commercially available device that is used to measure the amount of light striking a surface from a given source. Typically, this device is calibrated during manufacture to ensure a certain level of accuracy for the user. Also known as “light meters,” “photometers,” and in some cases can be systems based on CCD cameras or other technologies. The device should be calibrated to the CIE eye response curve.


1.2.10 Surface Light Intensity 表面光强

Surface Light Intensity is defined in this standard as surface illuminance and is measured in units of lux.


1.2.11 Integrating Sphere 积分球

For the intent of this standard, an integrating sphere is a measurement device with an entrance port that can accept all the directional light output of the device under test, or can totally enclose the device itself.

The walls of the sphere should be highly diffuse with high reflectivity (>80%) and the spectroradiometer should be shielded from direct view of the device under test by a baffle system.



ManChow 发表于 2011-4-24 09:19

本帖最后由 ManChow 于 2011-4-25 13:47 编辑


Note—The same test data set shall be used for both beam distance and peak beam intensity.

注意 - 同一个测试样本,将会同时用于射程测试及峰值光束强度测试

2.2.1 Purpose 目的

To provide a procedure to determine the maximum distance at which the device is capable of producing 0.25 lux of light within 30 s to 2 min of operation.


2.2.2 Power Source 电源

All tests are conducted with fresh batteries or fully charged batteries/energy storage devices.


12V DC devices that are only tethered shall be powered with 13.8V DC using a power supply.


Batteries used for testing and claim substantiation shall be of the same type and/or brand as those offered for sale with the product.


If the product is sold without batteries and a beam distance claim is made, a specific battery type and chemistry shall be recommended with the package. The batteries recommended by the manufacturer are to be used for testing.


2.2.3 Conditions 测试环境

Tests will be conducted at lab conditions—see clause 2.1.1.


2.2.4 Apparatus 仪器

A timing device, a distance measuring device, and a light measuring device that measures in units of lux
shall be used. Minimum aperture area shall be 100 mm².


2.2.5 Procedures 测试程序

Place the light measuring device at a test distance of either 2 or 10 or 30 meters from the front of the surface of the lens of the device to be tested. The test distance chosen shall be at least 10 times the largest dimension of the device’s lens or output height or width.


Use the light measuring device to identify and record the highest indicated value.


Measurements shall be taken 30 s to 2 min of turning on the device.


2.2.6 Final calculations 最终计算方法

Use the Inverse Square Law to calculate the beam distance to 0.25 lux as follows:


Surface light intensity x (distance)2 = peak beam intensity


√( peak beam intensity /0.25) = Max Beam Distance




Surface light intensity is in lux (lx)


Distance and Max Beam Distance are in meters (m)


Peak beam intensity is in candela (cd)

峰值光束强度是以坎德拉(cd - 烛光亮度)为单位

The reported value shall be the highest calculated beam distance of the values measured in clause 2.2.5.


The published figure shall be the average of the results of the three devices tested. Round to whole numbers following standard rounding rules.


雨后无风 发表于 2011-4-24 09:19


ManChow 发表于 2011-4-24 09:19

本帖最后由 ManChow 于 2011-4-25 14:48 编辑


Note—The same test data set shall be used for both beam distance and peak beam intensity.

注意 - 同一个测试样本,将会同时用于射程测试及峰值光束强度测试

2.3.1 Purpose 目的

To provide a procedure to determine the peak beam intensity, reported in units of candela, of the device’s beam pattern within 30 s to 2 min of operation.


2.3.2 Power Source 电源

All tests are conducted with fresh batteries or fully charged batteries/energy storage devices.


12V DC devices that are only tethered shall be powered with 13.8V DC using a power supply.


Batteries used for testing and claim substantiation shall be of the same type and/or brand as those offered for sale with the product.


If the product is sold without batteries and a beam distance claim is made, a specific battery type and chemistry shall be recommended with the package. The batteries recommended by the manufacturer are to be used for testing.


2.3.3 Conditions 测试环境

Tests will be conducted at lab conditions—see clause 2.1.1.


Testing should be performed in a dark environment where the ambient conditions are determined to be less than 1 lux in the entire test area prior to the test.

测试环境的光亮度,应该是以全黑的环境为测试条件,而在测试前,整个环境的亮度,应该小于1 lux。

If the device offers multiple output levels, the peak beam intensity will be measured at the maximum level or as otherwise identified.


If the device has variable focusing or adjustable beam angle, the peak beam intensity will be measured at the focus level or beam angle that produces the maximum beam intensity or as otherwise identified.


2.3.4 Apparatus 仪器

A timing device, a distance measuring device, and a light measuring device that measures in units of lux shall be used. Minimum aperture area shall be 100 mm².


2.3.5 Procedures 测试程序

Place the light measuring device at a test distance of either 2 or 10 or 30 meters from the front of the surface of the lens of the device to be tested. The test distance chosen shall be at least 10 times the largest dimension of the device’s lens or output height or width.


Use the light measuring device to identify and record the highest indicated value.


Measurements shall be taken 30 s to 2 min of turning on the device.


2.3.6 Final calculations 最终计算方法

Surface light intensity x (distance)2 = peak beam intensity




Surface light intensity is in lux (lx)


Peak beam intensity is in candela (cd)

峰值光束强度是以坎德拉(cd - 烛光亮度)为单位

The reported value shall be the highest calculated peak beam intensity of the values measured at test distances in clause 2.3.5.


The published figure shall be the average of the results of the three devices tested. Round to whole numbers following standard rounding rules.


ManChow 发表于 2011-4-24 09:20

本帖最后由 ManChow 于 2011-4-25 18:02 编辑

2.4 RUN TIME 续航

2.4.1 Purpose 目的

To provide a procedure to determine the amount of time elapsed (under continuous operation) at which the device’s light output reaches a level when users will commonly replace the batteries.


2.4.2 Power Source 电源

All tests are conducted with fresh batteries or fully charged batteries/energy storage devices.


Batteries used for testing and claim substantiation shall be of the same type and/or brand as those offered for sale with the product.


If the product is sold without batteries and a beam distance claim is made, a specific battery type and chemistry shall be recommended with the package. The batteries recommended by the manufacturer are to be used for testing.


2.4.3 Conditions 测试环境

Tests will be conducted at lab conditions—see clause 2.1.1.


Testing should be performed in a dark environment where the ambient conditions are determined to be less than 1 lux in the entire test area prior to taking an actual measurement with a light measuring device.

测试将会在一个全黑的环境下进行,而在测试及使用照度计量度准确的数据之前,该测试环境应被定义为是少于1 lux的一个环境。

If the device offers multiple output levels, the run time will be measured at the maximum level or as otherwise identified.


The device shall be securely mounted for testing after the batteries have been inserted.


2.4.4 Apparatus 仪器

A timing device and a light measuring device shall be used.


2.4.5 Initial and End Point 初始及结束点

The initial reading is taken at 30 s of continuous operation. When using a light measuring device, ensure that the distance from the front surface of the device to the sensor is identical for initial and end point measurements.


The light is operated continuously without any off time. (NOTE—If the device has an auto shut off mechanism, the operator must restart the light within 15 s for the test to be valid.)

测试设备必须是连续操作,并没有任何的关闭时间。(注意 - 如果测试设备是有自动关闭的机制,测试操作者必须在15秒内重新启动设备,测试方为有效。)

Periodic light measurements and corresponding time values are recorded, and the end point is reached when the output value reaches 10% of the initial value for each sample.


Record run time for each sample.


2.4.6 Final Calculation 最后计算方法

Run Time is the average run time of the 3 samples. A run time less than one hour is reported in minutes; more than 1 hour but less than 10 hours is reported in hours and minutes, rounded to the nearest 15 min.


For 10 hours or more, report the run time only in hours. Standard rounding rules apply.


ManChow 发表于 2011-4-24 09:20

本帖最后由 ManChow 于 2011-4-26 11:05 编辑


2.5.1 Purpose 目的

To provide a procedure for the measurement of the total luminous flux (lumens) emitted by the device.


2.5.2 Power Supply 电源

All tests are conducted with fresh batteries or fully charged batteries/energy storage devices.


12V DC devices that are only tethered shall be powered with 13.8V DC using a power supply.


Batteries used for testing and claim substantiation shall be of the same type and/or brand as those offered for sale with the product.


If the product is sold without batteries and a beam distance claim is made, a specific battery type and chemistry shall be recommended with the package. The batteries recommended by the manufacturer are to be used for testing.


2.5.3 Conditions 测试环境

Tests will be conducted at lab conditions—see clause 2.1.1.


If the device offers multiple output levels, the light output will be measured at the maximum level or as otherwise identified.


If the device has variable focusing or adjustable beam angle, the light output will be measured at the focus level or beam angle that produces the maximum light output or as otherwise identified.


2.5.4 Apparatus 仪器

An integrating sphere system with a spectroradiometer for spectral mismatch corrections and computing software to measure total light output shall be used.

将会使用一个具有用于光谱失配校正,和计算软件的光谱仪 - 积分球系统测量光输出总量

The minimum sphere diameter shall be equal to or greater than 3 times the maximum diameter of the port on the sphere where light enters it.


2.5.5 Test Equipment Sampling Calibration 抽样测试设备校准

For each individual model, the test equipment shall be properly calibrated per the test equipment manufacturer’s instructions. The calibration procedure must include a lamp traceable to an NIST standard.


2.5.6 Procedures 测试程序

Devices are to be securely mounted against an external port adapter or placed inside the sphere.


Exposure shall be set to produce test equipment manufacturer’s recommended detector saturation level.


For each unique product color sample absorption correction must be completed.


Measurements shall be taken at 30 s to 2 min of continuous operation after turning on the device.


2.5.7 Final Calculation 最后计算方法

Light Output is the average lumen value of the 3 samples. Round to whole numbers following standard rounding rules.


ManChow 发表于 2011-4-24 09:21

本帖最后由 ManChow 于 2011-4-28 15:13 编辑


2.6.1 Purpose 目的

To ensure structural integrity of hand-held/portable lighting devices under specified impact conditions.


The test procedure provides specifications and methods that will ensure products meet a minimum standard of reliability as a result of impact testing.


2.6.2 Conditions 测试环境

Tests will be conducted at lab conditions—see clause 2.1.1.


2.6.3 Apparatus 仪器

The apparatus shall consist of:


• An impact surface consisting of a minimum 4 cm nominal thickness of cured concrete. Impact area must be a minimum of 1 m x 1 m.

被测试对象撞击表面,应由标称厚度最低4厘米的固化混凝土组成。被撞击表面面积,必须至少为1米× 1米

• A measuring device to confirm the drop test height.


2.6.4 Drop Test 跌落测试

Products are dropped with all intended additions: batteries, elastic, tethers, hand straps, etc.


Drop height for product samples shall be 1 m minimum. Higher drop heights can be used for testing and product claims; however, any product claiming a drop height different than 1 m must meet all passing requirements listed below.


Each sample is dropped 6 times using impact orientations that approximate a cube. Each sample must be released on each orientation of the approximated cube. Samples must be marked prior to the drop test in a manner that can assure that all 6 drop orientations are tested.



Samples shall be in the “off” position with batteries in place.


The test sample is held in the desired orientation with its lowest part at the correct height. Drop the sample onto the impact surface. No additional impetus shall be given to the sample other than the acceleration due to gravity. The sample shall be allowed to come to rest after each drop.


The test sample is examined after each drop.


2.6.5 Passing Criteria 通过标准

Dropped samples must not exhibit any cracks or breaks visible with normal vision.


The product must remain fully functional. Some reassembly is allowed provided that it is done without any tool or replacement components.


Cosmetic defects such as scuffs, scratches, rubs, or abrasions will not be considered reasons for failure.


2.6.6 Impact Resistance Rating 耐冲击性评级

Test samples must pass a drop test from a minimum of 1 m in order for the impact resistance claim to be made.


Ratings in excess of 1 m shall be reported with values rounded down to the nearest whole meter.


All five test samples must pass the rated height.


ManChow 发表于 2011-4-24 09:21

本帖最后由 ManChow 于 2011-4-28 16:27 编辑


外壳保护 - 防止渗水评级

2.7.1 Purpose 目的

To ensure protection from damage under specific conditions of exposure to water. The procedure includes specifications and methods that will ensure the device meets minimum standards of reliability as a result of exposure to water under certain specific conditions.


2.7.2 Conditions 测试环境

All tests will be conducted in lab conditions—see clause 2.1.1.


Samples shall be in the “off” position with batteries in place.


2.7.3 Apparatus 仪器 Water Resistant 防水

An apparatus is used to spray water from all directions at specified water pressure, direction, and duration as described in ANSI/IEC 60529, Section 14.2.4 for IPX4 evaluation.

一个装置,是用来在所有的方向,向测试产品喷洒水份,当中包括指定的喷洒水压力、喷洒方向和喷洒时间的描述,符合在ANSI / IEC 60529标准,第14.2.4节对IPX4标准的评估。 Water Proof 防水

A 1 m deep reservoir sufficient to cover the entire device with water or a water vessel that is pressurized equivalent to 1 m depth as described in ANSI/IEC 60529, Section 14.2.7 for IPX7 evaluation.

一个1米深的储水池,足以覆盖整个测试装置于水,或在水加压仓,把水加压到相当于1米的深度,等于在ANSI / IEC 60529标准,第
14.2.74节里的对IPX7的评估。 Submersible 潜水

A reservoir at the claimed depth sufficient to cover the entire device with water or a water vessel that is pressurized equivalent to the claim depth as described in ANSI/IEC 60529, Section 14.2.8 for IPX8 evaluation.

一个足以覆盖整个测试装置于水,并与制造商声称防水深度一般深的储水池,或在水加压仓,把水加压到相当于声称防水深度等于在ANSI / IEC 60529标准,第14.2.8节里的对IPX8所描述的标准。

2.7.4 Test Procedure 测试程序 Water Resistant 防水

As described in ANSI/IEC 60529, Section 14.2.4 for IPX4.

等于在ANSI / IEC 60529,第14.2.4对IPX4所描述的标准。 Water Proof 防水

As described in ANSI/IEC 60529, Section 14.2.7 for IPX7

等于在ANSI / IEC 60529,第14.2.7对IPX7所描述的标准。 Submersible 潜水

As described in ANSI/IEC 60529, Section 14.2.8 for IPX8. The duration shall be 4 hours at manufacturer specified depth.

等于在ANSI / IEC 60529,第14.2.8对IPX8所描述的标准。整个过程,将会在生产商声称的防水深度下,维持四个小时。

2.7.5 Passing Criteria 通过标准 Water Resistant 防水

All test samples shall function normally immediately after the test and 30 min after the test. Water ingress is allowed as long as the above conditions are met.

所有测试样本,必须在测试完毕的当时和三十分钟后,均功能正常。适量的被水进入是可以容许的,但必须符合以上条件。 Water Proof and Submersible 防水及潜水

All test samples shall function normally immediately after the test and 30 min after the test.


The sample passes the water proof and submersible test if there is no ingress of water in any functional area that contains unprotected electrical components (contacts, batteries, PCB, wires) or light sources.


Protection shall provide exclusion of water from the components above.


2.7.6 Enclosure Protection Against Water Penetration Rating 外壳保护 - 防止渗水评级

The submersible rating shall be expressed in meters and rounded down to the nearest whole meter. All five samples must pass the rated depth.


baodingliyong 发表于 2011-4-24 09:29


电筒爱好者 发表于 2011-4-24 09:41


xmdzshz 发表于 2011-4-24 09:44


panx 发表于 2011-4-24 09:47


flybike007. 发表于 2011-4-24 09:52


dtzxcsx 发表于 2011-4-24 10:39


ManChow 发表于 2011-4-24 11:13


zd6264 发表于 2011-4-24 11:18


ManChow 发表于 2011-4-24 11:24


This Standards Publication covers basic performance of hand-held/portable flashlights, spotlights, and headlamps providing directional lighting.


ManChow 发表于 2011-4-24 11:55

本帖最后由 ManChow 于 2011-4-24 12:14 编辑


1.2.1 Beam Distance 光束距离 / 射程

Beam distance is defined as the distance from the device at which the light beam is 0.25 lux (0.25 lux is approximately the equivalent of the light emitted from the full moon “on a clear night in an open field”).

光束距离 / 射程被定义为:从测试样本,到该光束终止照度为0.25勒克斯(Lux)


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