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发表于 2004-12-9 05:14
Chapter 7 – Product Evaluation
The objective of this thesis was to design a driver which can drive up to three Luxeon
LED’s from both 12VDC and 230VAC. The LED’s also needed to be protected from
voltage surges and be run at the optimum current of 350mA.
The device which was designed and implemented fulfills these criteria. It can drive up to
three LED’s in series at their optimum current of 350mA, and also protects them from
both voltage and current surges. It is designed to be run from 12VDC and, with an
adapter, from 230VAC. On this basis, the product has met the required specifications.
This chapter is more in-depth examination of the quality of the final product by
comparing it to the derived design specifications in Chapter 3. This chapter also analyses
the performance of the author as an engineer.
7.1 Evaluation of the device Against the Specifications of
Chapter 3
This section evaluates the device against the derived product specifications of Chapter 3.
Both a brief and detailed evaluation has been completed.
7.1.1 Quick Checklist of Device Against the Specifications
Briefly reiterating the specifications of Chapter 3, the device must:
Be able to operate from 12VDC and 230VAC
Protect the Luxeon LED’s from voltage and current surges
Provide a means of user input and output.ഊ44
Power the LED’s from their optimal current of 350mA, regardless of the variable
forward voltage across the LED’s.
The switch-mode step-down converter able to operate at the PWM switching
frequency signal from the MCU.
Be controlled by a MCU which is fast enough and has enough memory to carry
out all required tasks.
7.1.2 Detailed Checklist of the Device Against the Specifications
The device must be able to operate from 12VDC or 230VAC.
The final product is able to operate from 12VDC and 230VAC. The device was designed
to be powered from 12VDC, and it satisfies the 230VAC requirement by the means of a
step-down adapter which converts 230VAC to 12VDC. The device also goes to exceed
the requirement of being able to be run from 12VDC by it being able to operate from a
variable DC input voltage, up to a maximum of 25VDC.
Protect the Luxeon LED’s from voltage and current surges.
The Luxeon LED’s are protected from voltage and current surges by a combination of
fuses, zener diodes and BJT’s. The entire device is also protected from such voltage and
current surges by using another combination of fuses and zener diodes on the input
supply of the device.ഊ45
Provide a means of user input and output.
User input into the device has been implemented by the use of a three three-pole
switches, each of which can toggle two I/O pins on the MCU to either high or low
voltages. User output from the device has been implemented by the use of 3 small
LED’s, one of which displays whether the device is powered or not and another one
which flashes three times upon start-up or reset. The last LED has not been used for any
specific purpose at this point in time. This specification has been exceeded as the means
of user input and output into the device can be changed by designing another daughter
board which can connect to the same connector on the device.
Power the LED’s at their optimum current of 350mA, regardless of the variable
forward voltage across the LED’s.
The device drives the LED’s at their optimum current of 350mA regardless of the
forward voltage across the LED’s as it calculates the current flowing through them by
measuring the voltage across a series sense resistor. As the voltage across the resistor
will be constant at 350mA, the device aims to achieve at providing a constant voltage
across the sense resistor (and hence a constant current) by constantly increasing and
decreasing the switching frequency of the buck converter.
The switch-mode step-down converter able to operate at the PWM switching
frequency signal from the MCU.
The switch-mode step-down converter is able to operate at the maximum PWM switching
frequency signal from the MCU, that being 31.25 kHz. Upon testing of the buck
converter, it is seen that the maximum frequency that it can operate from is
approximately 60 kHz.ഊ46
Be controlled by a MCU which is fast enough and has enough memory to carry
out all required tasks
The MCU in the device, being an Atmel ATmega8L running at a clock frequency of 8
MHz is fast enough to carry out all required tasks. This MCU also has enough memory
to store the main program and enough memory for swap space information. A feature of
the MCU is that it is able to be reprogrammed whilst still in the system, so that if a better
way of using the current hardware, or if a different daughter board is designed, new
software can be easily programmed into the MCU.
Figure 28: Final Product
7.2 Device Efficiency
The efficiency of the device in powering the Luxeon LED’s has been calculated by
measuring the input power and then measuring the power which is being delivered to the
Luxeon LED’s. Measuring the actual efficiency of converting input power to actual light
output power has not been conducted as it would require specialist equipment that is not
available at this point in time. In terms of general light output from the system, each
Luxeon LED has been measured with a simple light meter and has been found to outputഊ47
approximately 150 Lux, or 15 Candela. All three LED’s then combine to produce around
450 Lux, which is enough light for reading and studying activities 1 .
A number of tests have been conducted in order to determine the efficiency of the device.
The differences between tests included: whether the daughter board was connected or
not, high output power or low output power, or if the device was powered from 12VDC
or 230VAC. With regard to testing from 230VAC, the full input power was unable to be
determined without using complex testing procedures, so the input power into the device
was measured as the output power from the adapter. The efficiency of the 230VAC to
12VDC adapter has not been calculated.
The following is a list of tables and graphs and the manner in which the device was
tested. Table 3 and Figure 27 are the results when the device was tested from an input
supply of 12VDC, with the daughter board connected. Table 4 and Figure 28 are the
results when the device was tested from an input supply of 12VDC, without the daughter
board and the LED power setting at high power. Table 5 and Figure 29 are results when
the device was tested from an input supply of 12VDC, without the daughter board and the
LED power setting at low power. And, Table 6 and Figure 30 represent the efficiency
results when the device is powered from 230VAC, with the daughter board attached.
Complete detailed tables and figures are available in Appendix D.
LED Configuration and Power Setting P in P out Efficiency (%)
Single LED, Low Power Setting 0.720 0.252 34.94
Single LED, High Power Setting 2.256 1.187 52.60
Dual LED\'s, Low Power Setting 0.996 0.546 54.87
Dual LED\'s, High Power Setting 3.060 2.128 69.54
Three LED\'s, Low Power Setting 1.308 0.836 63.89
Three LED\'s, High Power Setting 4.320 3.567 82.56
Table 3: Efficiency at 12VDC Input and Daughter Board Connected
1 Approximately 500 Lux is recommended for reading and studying tasks. Source: School Lighting Design
52.60% 54.87%
Efficiency (%)
Single LED,
Low Power
Single LED,
High Power
Dual LED\'s,
Low Power
Dual LED\'s,
High Power
Three LED\'s,
Low Power
Three LED\'s,
High Power
LED Configuration
Figure 29: Efficiency at 12VDC Input and Daughter Board Connected
LED Configuration P in P out (total) Efficiency (%)
Single LED, Single Channel 1.710 1.069 62.50
Dual LEDs, Dual Channels 3.150 2.144 68.06
Dual LEDs, Single Channel 2.745 2.174 79.19
Three LEDs, Dual Channels (2 in series on one channel + 1) 4.230 3.119 73.73
Three LEDs, Single Channel 3.624 3.146 86.80
Table 4: Efficiency at 12VDC Input, No Daughter Board Connected at High Power
Efficiency (%)
Single LED, Single
Dual LEDs, Dual
Dual LEDs, Single
Three LEDs, Dual
Channels (2 in
series on one
channel + 1 on
another channel)
Three LEDs, Single
LED Configuration
Figure 30: Efficiency at 12VDC Input, No Daughter Board Connected at High
Power Output
LED Configuration P in P out (2) P out (total) Efficiency (%)
Single LED, Single Channel 0.540 0.000 0.252 46.59
Dual LEDs, Dual Channels 0.873 0.243 0.485 55.51
Dual LEDs, Single Channel 0.804 0.000 0.496 61.63
Three LEDs, Dual Channels (2 in series on one channel + 1) 1.152 0.243 0.713 61.87
Three LEDs, Single Channel 1.044 0.000 0.712 68.20
Table 5: Efficiency at 12VDC Input, No Daughter Board at Low Power Outputഊ50
61.63% 61.87%
Efficiency (%)
Single LED, Single
Dual LEDs, Dual
Dual LEDs, Single
Three LEDs, Dual
Channels (2 in series
on one channel + 1 on
another channel)
Three LEDs, Single
LED Configuration
Figure 31: Efficiency at 12VDC Input, No Daughter Board Connected at Low
Power Output
LED Configuration and Power Setting P in P out Efficiency
Three LED\'s, High Power 4.364 3.197 73.25
Three LED\'s, Low Power 1.374 0.788 57.30
Dual LED\'s, High Power 3.208 2.248 70.08
Dual LED\'s, Low Power 1.094 0.526 48.10
Single LED, High Power 2.818 1.183 41.99
Single LED, Low Power 0.814 0.270 33.21
Table 6: Efficiency at 230VAC Input and Daughter Board Connectedഊ51
Three LED\'s, High
Three LED\'s, Low
Dual LED\'s, High Power
Dual LED\'s, Low Power
Single LED, High Power
Single LED, Low Power
LED Configuration
Figure 32: Efficiency at 230VAC Input and Daughter Board Connected
It can be seen that the device operates at the highest efficiency when it is driving three
Luxeon LED’s. It is seen that the highest efficiency, at 87%, was achieved when three
LED’s were being driven from an input supply of 12VDC and there was no daughter
board connected to the device. It is also seen that the lowest efficiency, at 33%, was
observed when the device was being operated from a 230VAC input supply and driving
only a single Luxeon LED.ഊ7.3 Evaluation of the Author’s Performance as an Engineer
One of the biggest personal challenges that can be undertaken at university is the
development of a thesis project. It is a journey which can offer great insights into an
individual’s engineering strengths and weaknesses. One of the major weaknesses of the
author was time management as it was seen that the author grossly underestimated the
amount of time needed for this project and, as such, spent an awful amount of time
towards the end on the project in order to complete it. This is a weakness that the author
is now aware of and as such, can better plan any future projects of this nature. The author
also did have the wrong approach into tackling this problem (trying to drive each LED
individually) and it was fortunate that this method did not work as the device was found
to be highly inefficient when powering only single LED’s. For the most part of the
project, the author did work with direction and undertook all of the necessary tasks which
were needed in order to complete this project.
Whilst completing this project, the author has learnt a number of things. He has learnt
how to identify possible problems within circuits and when constructing PCB’s and how
to minimize these errors. He has become proficient in the use of the development
software, in particular, Protel 99SE and CodeVisionAVR.
The most important lesson that has been learnt by the author is that planning is the most
important step when undertaking any project. Planning coupled with proper time
management and good engineering skills will produce quality solutions to given
problems. |